Wednesday, April 29, 2020


If you were to tell someone who is not from this area that a grand Castle once stood atop Hamilton Hill in Bar Harbor, their reaction would probably be "A Castle! In the woods in Bar Harbor!  Not exactly the kind of castle a prince would take his lady to, its a bit rough around the edges, lets say.
Now tell that same person that a mystical mysterious dragon makes its home on Hamilton Hill and they might very well ask what you been smoking.  Yet for us who call Bar Harbor home, we all know of this dragon, and as far as dragons go, the dragon of Hamilton Hill is a fairly tame dragon, at least to the best of my knowledge it hasn't eaten any of the nearby villagers or visitors from afar.  As far as mystical creatures go, the dragon is not alone, as some report as having seen a fleeting white deer in the woods of Hamilton Hill and those that thought they captured it on camera go back to view the evidence only to see trees and brush.  Elvis may of indeed left the building but the elusive all white deer continues to elude any efforts to capture it on film.
Lions - yes indeed, Hamilton Hill has lions, huge stone creatures that guard the woods of Hamilton Hill and keep the smaller creatures that reside there safe.   Now the dragon may be of a friendly sort but those lions, they do not appear to be cowardly in the slightest, and actually look well fed.  As for the nay sayers who don't believe in such things, it has all been very well documented as the photos below reveal.

The Castle Of Hamilton Hill - Bar Harbor
The Mysteical Dragon Of Hamilton Hill
One Of The Stone Lions That guard Hamilton Hill
Photo Of All White Mysterious Deer Of Hamilton Hill
Trust me - when I took the photo above that all white deer was standing right there in front of that large tree, once again it has eluded capture on film.

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